Squad Wars is a weekly online competition mode, where players can play arena battles and win prizes with their squad-mates. This event consists of 2 different squads getting matched against each other and competing to get the highest score until the end of the event.
活動會有里程碑、強化武器和裝備(和我們的活動一樣)! 此外,若要參加新戰爭,小隊隊長(擁有者)或是您小隊裡的任何士官,都必須在戰爭開始前至少 6 小時參戰。
While in a squad war, both squads will have access to the War Chat. A squad can only be engaged against one squad at any given time. 請注意,戰爭期間任何玩家都不得更換小隊。
In order to participate in squad wars, you must currently be in a squad. In order to join a squad, you first need to unlock PvP, then obtain at least 50 total trophies.
在小隊戰爭開始的前一天,小隊的隊長或任何士官都可以過在小隊介面中輕點按鈕,決定選擇加入或退出下一次小隊戰。 您的小隊必須在活動開始前 6 小時事先登記才能參戰!
How does it work?
Squads are matched together based on their trophy count. Once the squad war has started, the objective is for your squad to accumulate the highest combined score until the end of the event. 在決戰競技場以及競技場挑戰賽中殺死玩家,來為小隊的總成績做出貢獻。 一個小隊的分數等於其所有成員的分數之和。
If by the end of the event, your squad has more points than your opponent, you win the squad war and receive a certain number of 🏆 (based on your opponent squad’s level). If you have fewer points than your opponent, your squad loses the war and loses a certain number of 🏆 (also based on your opponent squad’s level).
- Captains and Officials can decide if they want to participate in the next war
- Under normal conditions, if no changes are made, the opt-in switch will default to the setting from the last war. 您的小隊必須在活動開始前 3 小時事先登記才能參戰!
- Battles always happen on the 2 days following the preparation days.
- 戰鬥結束時即可領取獎勵。
- 在您登入時即會自動領取獎勵,您有 48 小時可領取獎勵
在活動結束時,所有分數至少 1000 分的小隊成員,都會得到小隊贏得的所有獎勵。 玩家必須在戰爭前加入小隊才能獲得獎勵。
您可以在小隊戰爭結束後的 48 小時內,登入遊戲來領取獎勵。 否則您的獎勵會永久消失。
- 您在活動開始時必須為小隊的成員。
- 您的小隊必須在活動開始前 6 小時事先登記才能參戰!
- 唯有在活動開始時已成為小隊成員的玩家,才有資格就該小隊的佳績來領取獎品。
- 玩家不得於戰爭期間更換小隊。
- 您貢獻的小隊得分就會是您的玩家對戰得分,而且會受您的等級加乘影響(和之前一樣)。
- 每個小隊將和一個競爭對手小隊配對,
- 而您將根據小隊里程碑進度和對戰排行榜名次而獲得獎勵。
- 為您提供的獎勵可能包含新武器、裝備、增加的貨幣數量等。 隨著新內容發布,獎勵會輪流提供。
- 現在小隊戰獎勵將於戰爭結束後的 2 天內提供!
- 戰爭提供的強化武器和裝備可讓您取得獎勵積分。